page sur le Mind Mapping par Thomas Raymond

Le travail Avec le mindmapping Stimule les cerveaux droit et gauche

Aspect « austère du cerveau gauche et coloré à droite »

À gauche fonctionnement analytique logique linéaire ,compétence langage calcul, abstraction

À droite synthétique spacialisation intuitif global similitudes compétences imagination créativité musique …

Le mindmapping passe par une Pensée irradiante.

On part du projet central , D’abord la définition ,Puis on laisse aller la pensée qui représentera les bras de la carte mentale.

On gère et on structure visuellement l’information.

Le fondateur est Tony Buzan (Londres 1942) psychologue anglais .

Nb un exercice c’est lister les choses importantes, les valeurs , les choses vitales,si notre réalité n’est pas en cohérence on est malheureux. il faut en prendre soin. Faire une carte pour représenter cela .

Nb durant l’enfance on confond l’identité et la performance.on se sent jugé,aimé ou non.

Exercice de réflexion :et si un génie te dit que tu n’allais pas échouer, ta vie aurai t elle été différente?

Et aussi qui souffre le plus de ne pas te connaître ?

Et enfin il faut définir tes domaines d’excellence.

Reprise de cours …

Domaines d’utilisation:personnels éducatifs professionnels:

  • La prise de notes
  • La remise en forme de ces notes ( on centralise le sujet central,les branches c’est la créativité…)
  • La préparation d’une présentation d’un discours
  • Le brainstorming (laisser du vide , branche sans nom ,bulle vide…)le cerveau aime les énigmes …
  • L’aide au résumé (poser le problème aide à sa résolution)
  • La structuration d’un projet
  • Révision et clarification d’idées
  • La visualisation des réseaux personnels
  • L’aide à l’apprentissage mnémotechnique

Nb on a 8 secondes pour capter l’attention !

Pour faire du neuf :faite du vide !

Les branches les plus fournies et les moins fournies ,j’ai pas de compétence , je corrèle cela au temps passé, il y a un problème

notions idées fortes clés ou IFC

ce sont les thématiques des branches principales.

si vous hésitez

  • quels sont les points nécessaires pour atteindre mon objectif
  • si c’était un livre quel serai le nom des chapitres
  • quels sont mes objectifs précis?
  • quelles sont les réponses à mes questions :pourquoi,quoi,ou,qui,comment,lequel et quand?

il faut dater les cartes .

Règles de mindmaping en anglais

Mind Map Setup

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

Mind Map Setup

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

Mind Map Setup

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

Mind Map Setup

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!

1. Choose a board name that references the theme, project, or time frame for the mind map.
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
2. Get creative with inspiring card covers and board backgrounds to give it that “visual” feel.
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
3. Set each list to represent a different area of your life that is important to you.
4. Create a card for each idea, goal, or keyword that inspires you, and put it in its corresponding life area list.
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
5. If you have links to videos, articles, or images that expand your inspiration, add those to the cards, or write in notes or ideas that spring up.
6. Use checklists to break down goals into actionable steps, add due dates if you want to set deadlines, and invite collaborators onto the board if you want to bring on some accountability partners!
7. If you want a more free form experience, consider enabling a Power-Up like SmartDraw to create a diagram or draw a mind map right from your board.